We offer a professional permanent and contractual placement service

Who Are We?
Global Network Recruitment is a South African company that commenced business in 1999. The company is headed by Lisa Baillie the Founder Member and Recruitment Executive. Lisa has a B.A. Degree (majoring in Psychology), an LLB Degree, and has in excess of 30 years’ experience in Recruitment. Learn More
Global Network Recruitment qualifies as a Level 4 B-BBEE Contributor.
We Offer The Following:
Advertising and Screening:
Global Network Recruitment places confidential advertisement/s in a medium/s of our choice on your behalf. This is done regardless of making a placement or not. Advertising mediums are selected so as to obtain the most equitable exposure. Adverts are compiled so as to focus on the specific requirements of the position.

Reference and Other Checks:
Where possible, Global Network Recruitment endeavours to obtain a minimum of two verbal references per short listed candidate. The reference focuses on the inherent requirements of the candidate's previous position and their potential to fill, correctly, the position in your company.
Where the inherent requirements of the position require this, other checks are also carried out on the short listed candidate/s; including the following checks.
• Criminal Record (Fingerprints)
• Credit Report (TransUnion; Experian; or XDS)
• ID Verification & Validation
• ID Verification & Fraud Listing
• Driver’s License
• Academic Qualifications (South Africa), (Sub-Saharan Africa); and (Global)
Where the inherent requirements of the position require this, other checks are also carried out on the short listed candidate/s; including the following checks.
• Criminal Record (Fingerprints)
• Credit Report (TransUnion; Experian; or XDS)
• ID Verification & Validation
• ID Verification & Fraud Listing
• Driver’s License
• Academic Qualifications (South Africa), (Sub-Saharan Africa); and (Global)